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Climate Change Coordination
Climate Change Coordination
The Government of Lesotho continues to play a pivotal role, particularly in the formulation of environment and climate targeted policies as well as championing the establishment of more coordinated institutional structures within the country. The bodies and structures to effectively deal with the challenges related to climate change in Lesotho include the National Climate Change Committee (NCCC), and the Ministry of Defence, National Security and Environment (MDNSE) through the Lesotho Meteorological Services (LMS) being the National Focal Point (NFP) for the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)).
The Climate Change Unit under LMS is mandated to coordinate activities that encompasses the following: climate change policy guidance, climate change adaptation and mitigation, assessments of climate change vulnerabilities, impacts across climate sensitive sectors, reporting national progress on climate change, advice on climate change science and findings, climate change education public awareness. The NCCC, MDNSE and LMS are thus the main institutions that undertake the coordination and mainstreaming of climate change into the respective socio-economic sectors, with MDNSE as the lead institution to oversee the advancement of the national climate change agenda.
The NCCC is a national multi-sectoral climate change coordinating body established in 2013, with the responsibility to coordinate development and implementation of policies, plans and measures to address climate change issues in Lesotho, and serves as a high-level advisory body on climate change to MDNSE. Its main function is to advise the MDNSE on effective implementation of the NCCP, acting as a link between LMS and the various social and economic sectors. Its membership covers a broad range of stakeholders including government institutions, academia, non-governmental institutions, private sector, UN agencies and media. The Committee has 4 sub-committees, namely; (i) Finance, (ii) Outreach, (iii) Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and (iv) Advisory Group to the NDA. Figure 1 illustrate the institutional arrangements of climate change issues in the country.